1:1 business coaching

READY to step into a creative business and life that you love?



let me help you to overcome self-doubt & procrastination and finally move into action!

You have landed here because you are an aspiring artist and creative business owner who wants to make an impact in the world, but you feel like you’re holding yourself back.

You dream of starting a business that you can easily run from home.

You desire to be making a good income from your creative talents, helping others through the gift of art.

You want to start working with your ideal customers who are passionate about what you do and value your work.

You’re ready to be doing meaningful work that is personally fulfilling and making a difference in other peoples lives.

You are sick of your lack of progress and want to set up professional creative business systems to keep you organised and on track.

You want to overcome self-doubt and become more confident promoting yourself.


I work with early stage artists, art educators and art therapists to clarify their product, services and offers and formulate a plan so they can become visible online to their ideal customers.



  • Having a creative business that supports you financially that you can run from home
  • Being aligned to your mission and feeling confident in your path forward
  • Becoming visible online and attracting the perfect customers to your business
  • Having full faith in your art and the value of your creative services
  • Being fully supported one-on-one as you step into your power as a creative business owner

Does this sound like something that you’d like?

Is 1:1 Coaching Right For You?

This is for you if:

  • You are a new or emerging artist who is motivated to establish a sustainable art business
  • You are an arts educator, facilitator or art therapist wanting to become more visible online
  • You are wanting to transition from a different career into a creative career and start a new creative business making art or teaching workshops
  • You are committed to starting and growing your creative business – taking action is an essential step of this process.

This is not for you if:

  • You are looking for a fast track path to success. While rapid growth is possible, building a sustainable art business is about playing the long game.  
  • You are the type of person to give up when things get tough, you are bound to be faced with challenges along the way and we require resilient business owners.  
  • You are not prepared to put in the work, I cannot guarantee results. All of my clients who have succeeded have shown up for themselves consistently.

What does a coaching series
look like?

In our sessions we look at:

  • Assessing where you currently at in terms of starting, growing and expanding your creative business
  • Your product offerings and different income streams, we look at whats working and whats not
  • Identifying your target market and perfect customer and tailor a sales and marketing strategy
  • Addressing any issues and mindset blocks that might be holding you back
  • Resources and tools to assist you on your personal growth as an artist and business owner

Having a coach to guide and support you one-on-one is going to get you much further in creative business than trying to figure it out on your own.

Accountability is the key factor
in having rapid success!

I have helped clients to:

  • Set up social media and develop new websites
  • Plan workshops, creative events and solo exhibitions
  • Design and develop new product ranges for sale at markets and design fairs
  • Create a Business plan, setting business milestones and financial goals
  • Work on proposals and grant applications
  • Approach boutique shops and galleries with their work
  • Apply for artist residencies and art prizes
  • Design promotional material like business cards, postcards and posters
  • set up solid foundations for their creative business so they can bring in sustainable income

Creative Biz Coaching Packages

With either package, you’ll gain clarity around your dream of setting up a creative business, design your vision, set empowering goals and take steps towards establishing a creative business that fits perfectly with your life.

  • 3 Months
    6 x 60min Coaching Sessions
    $500 / month
    • Payment Plans Available
    • Unlimited Email & Messenger Support Between Sessions
    • Fortnightly Coaching Calls To Keep You On Track
  • 6 Months
    12 x 60min Coaching Sessions
    $480 / month
    • Payment Plans Available
    • Unlimited Email & Messenger Support Between Sessions
    • Fortnightly Coaching Calls To Keep You On Track
Working with Laura brought a sense of ease to my practice, knowing there is someone who has my back without judgement has allowed me to follow through with my goals despite a number of uncomfortable situations to navigate. Looking back I’m so proud of how far I have come and have a sense of real confidence that I’m on track to achieve some major goals.

Laura has such a nurturing approach to coaching, in our sessions I always feel heard and that space is held for me to be vulnerable. Her gentle approach doesn’t diminish her ability to ask me the tough questions. under her guidance I’ve often found myself challenged to question assumptions and digging deeper to reach new discoveries!
“Currently I am benefiting immensely from Laura’s creative coaching to set up my own art business from home. Laura knows me so well my health / lifestyle limitations / my passions and dreams. She is really helping me to set up solid foundations so I can powerfully and creatively share my work with the world.”